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Here you can find my critiques about Films I have seen, or reviews about a topic in the film world. If i have an opinion, it will be here.
Not only that, but whenever something Awesome happens in my life, something I think will be both an interesting story and offer words of advice to my readers, I will tell you about it on here.

Monday, 27 February 2012

Oscar winners of 2011 (the ceremony in 2012)

As all you film buffs will know last night were the Annual Academy Award winners' ceremony - thats right, Oscar night. After struggling with my friends to find a good live streaming link online, we managed to watch the vents as they happened, and I thought that if there was some poor unfortunate person who failed to see the Oscars live, then i would inform them of who won what last night, so here are the final results.

The Artist - Actor in a Leading Role (Jean Dujardin), Costume Design, Directing (Michel Hazanavicious), Music: Original Score, Best Picture.
Hugo - Art direction, Cinematography, Sound editing, Sound Mixing, Visual effects
The Iron Lady - Actress in a Leading Role (Meryl Streep), Make Up
Beginners - Actor in supporting Role (Christopher Plummer)
The Help - Actress in supporting Role
Rango - Animated Feature film
Undefeated - Documentary feature
Saving Face - Documentary short
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Film editing
A Separation - Foreign Language film (Iran)
The Muppets - Original song
The fantastic Flying books of Mr Morris Lessmore - Animated short
The Shore - Live action short
The Descendants - Adapted Screenplay
Midnight in Paris - Original Screenplay
And 3 honorary oscars were given out this year - James Earl Jones, Oprah Winfrey and Dick Smith.

Some of my thoughts on the evening - 
I'm quite surprised Hugo did as well as it did, I haven't heard much about it, but I am now very interested in seeing what it is about.
 No surprises about The Artist winning best Actor and film - Gary Oldman definitely deserved an oscar for Tinker Tailer Soldier Spy, but the trouble was so did Dujardin, and at the end of the day, despite Oldman's brilliant performance, it had to go to Dujardin for playing a silent film character in the 21st century.
Everyone guessed that The Muppets would get best original song, and the same for Meryl Streep in The Iron Lady
Although Moneyball and The descendants were up for several nominations, when they were stacked up against films like The Artist and War Horse, I didn't have high hopes for their turn out, though I am glad The Descendants got something, as in my opinion it looks to be a very good film.
I'm surprised War Horse got nothing in the end, but then i suppose, if it was going to get anything it would have been for the stage production. Guess they'll have to wait until animals can be awarded.
On a final note, for all those who were wondering the music did get played once for the visual effects team for Hugo (I think it was them, I remember it being a big group but it's a long night trying to watch the whole thing.)