What is this Blog about?

Here you can find my critiques about Films I have seen, or reviews about a topic in the film world. If i have an opinion, it will be here.
Not only that, but whenever something Awesome happens in my life, something I think will be both an interesting story and offer words of advice to my readers, I will tell you about it on here.

Friday, 17 February 2012

Troll Hunter (Andre Ovredal, 2010)

When a Norwegian student film crew decide to follow a mysterious poacher who is surrounded by numerous, Bear-related deaths, they realise far too soon that he is no poacher at all. Hans (Otto Jespersen) is in fact a hunter of a very different game and he is bringing the kids along to see him tackle Norway's biggest secret problem - Trolls.
It is very difficult to describe this film, because it is in no way like any other film that has come before it. But event hen there is a single word to sum up this creation - Epic. It is a fantastic blend of Horror, Science Fiction and Conspiracy genres and all made in the style of a documentary. The cinematography is genius, as it is entirely from the students film makers perspective, as they follow Hans tracking and dealing with the trolls. And considering what the story is about, the idea becomes all the more impressive. One could really believe that everything they are watching has really happened (although there are one or two wider shots that unfortunately spoil the illusion). The acting is difficult to describe: the cast certainly do a very good job of portraying the situation, However (and perhaps this is just a language barrier, as the hole film is norwegian) for large parts of the story the performance itself becomes pretty wooden. There is plenty of humour to boost the story even further, most of it revolving around the fairy tale stereo types of trolls. And those trolls have been given a tremendous amount of detail, to the point where Hans' system of categorising them becomes almost believable.
And best of all, it teaches the audience a valuable lesson - 1) don't follow the strange hunter with the claw marked car, 2) religion will get you killed 3) Running is always the best solution.