What is this Blog about?

Here you can find my critiques about Films I have seen, or reviews about a topic in the film world. If i have an opinion, it will be here.
Not only that, but whenever something Awesome happens in my life, something I think will be both an interesting story and offer words of advice to my readers, I will tell you about it on here.

Monday, 11 June 2012

Unstoppable (Tony Scott, 2010)

Based on a true story, when a train tons of pounds worth of toxic material is accidentally put under power and sent on a run-away route through suburban Pennsylvania, Its up to two train conductors - Frank (Denzel Washington) and Will (Chris Pine) - to catch up to the run-away train before it reaches a major population, and derails causing massive amounts of damage.
It is hardly believable that this action thriller is based on a real event, because if the real event was anywhere near as nail-bittingly exciting then it should be a much more famous story. The film itself though is fantastic, keeping on glued to the edge of your seat with every passing second that the train goes past. The editing in particular is genius because it mixes both fast paced, exciting film footage, with cleverly crafted news footage designed to make one believe in the event. The train itself is even given the guise of a monstrous beast: every time it goes past, there is a roaring, screeching noise that makes it sound like the bellow of a colossal beast. Teeth grinding stuff. The all star cast give varied and fantastic performances that really make you invested of their characters, or make you despise them; from panicked rail crew trying to do their jobs, and arrogant company men trying to protect their profits before peoples lives.
Unstoppable is both the name of this master piece, and the level at which this film is guaranteed to entertain anyone.