Jeff (Jason Segel) is a drug addict who live in his mothers (Susan Sarandon) Basement. He believes that everything in life is connected, so when he receives a mistaken phone call, it sets him off on a wild journey that leads him to cross paths with his older brother Pat (Ed Helms) and agrees to help him tail his wife's unusual behaviour.
It is difficult to decide what to make of this film, because although it was incredibly good, I can't figure out why it was so good. Maybe it is the story, which is fantastic. The strange way Jeff leads his life of connections leads to a great journey on screen, and the way he plays off his jack-ass brother is terrific. But even so, the story is interjected with the strange side story of his mother and her office admirer, and this is too distracting from a story that is paced much to fast. Most of the humour in this film is very dry; it feels like it was meant to be funny, but really isn't. The acting is great, once again Segel takes centre stage but the rest of the cast aren't all that special. The cinematography is all hand held camera work, which I guess is good, it fits the story nicely, and the editing is good, just good.
But in spite of all this, Jeff who lives at Home is still a great film. It is a thoroughly enjoyable experience and really draws you in to have fun with every minute. If someone can figure out why, then please tell me, I've got no clue.